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One of the best ways to attract birds to your garden is to have an abundance of lush, thriving plant life. However, there are other tips to bring songbirds to your yard. In this article, we will explore the best ways to entice feathered friends to your landscape. 

Tips on How to Attract Birds to Your Landscape

Songbirds add beauty and sound to your garden. Here a few ways to make your landscape bird friendly.

Provide Water

You will want to invest in a birdbath. Be sure to change the water every two or three days. In the winter months, you might want to install a heater to keep the water warm and prevent freezing. Locate the birdbath about 10 feet from shrubs so the birds feel safe from predators. 

Plant Native Plants

Provide the local songbirds with an abundance of native plants that offer a smorgasbord of berries, nuts, and nectar. Also, consider planting evergreens and shrubs to provide nesting sites and cover.

Stop Using Insecticides

You should use organic practices to control pests and avoid chemical insecticides which can harm birds, especially juvenile fledglings. 

Plant More and Reduce Lawn Space

Most birds feel vulnerable in landscapes with vast expanses of lawn. Ideally, you should limit the lawn in your landscape and instead focus on planting lush fauna, shrubs, and trees. 

Install Nest Boxes

Consider hanging nest boxes in the on trees or poles. Research your local birds to determine nesting boxes that best fit their individual needs.  

Build a Brush Pile

A brush pile is a great place for birds to nest, look for food and seek cover. You can also keep old trees in the landscape. To build a brush pile, use large logs and smaller branches to stack on top of each other.

Provide Bird Feeders

Bird feeders are an ideal way to attract birds to the landscape. The supplement food will help when natural food sources are scarce. Also, if you place the feeders close to windows or outdoor spaces then you can enjoy viewing the birds.

Weed Invasive Plants

You will want to regularly weed the landscape to remove invasive plants that can choke out native species which birds use for food sources. If you are unsure which plants are invasive then check with your local U.S. Department of Agriculture Extension System to determine which ones are invasive. 

Top Plants to Attract Birds

One of the best ways you can attract birds to the garden is to grow the plants they love.  Here are a few top choices:

  • Purple Coneflowers (Echinacea spp.): Coneflowers produce beautiful blooms that attract birds, butterflies and other pollinators. The plant creates seeds that are favored by a variety of birds such as goldfinches. 
  • Sunflowers (Helianthus spp.): Sunflowers are cheerful and robust. They are adored by birds who use the fat-rich needs as a valued food source. Best of all, they are easy to grow. 
  • Milkweed (Asclepias spp.):Milkweed is the food of choice for monarch butterfly caterpillars. The plant attracts insects which serve as a valuable food source for birds too. Many birds also use the downy part of the seeds as nest lining. 
  • Trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens):This vining honeysuckle produces an abundance of red tubular flowers that hummingbirds adore. The vines also attract Purple Finches, Orioles and Thrushes. 

One of the best ways to attract birds is to have a thriving garden. Providing ample nutrients for your plants will ensure their growth. Why not try Humboldts Secret Supplies Starter Kit to give your garden the boost it needs to thrive? 

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