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Celery is an amazing addition to your vegetable garden. It is a delicious and nutritious vegetable & widely consumed across the globe. Did you know that you can grow celery from seed, indoors or in your garden? It's easy to do, and in this blog post, we'll show you how to do it. So whether you're looking for an interesting new gardening project or just want to add some fresh celery to your dinner table, read on for tips on growing this tasty veggie from scratch!

Step by step guide to growing celery from scratch

Choose a celery variety to grow

There are many different celery varieties to choose from, so it's important to pick the one that is best suited for your climate and growing conditions. For example, if you live in a warm climate, you'll want to grow a heat-tolerant variety like 'Utah Celery'. If you're gardening in colder climates, try a variety such as 'Pascal'. At any nearby grocery store, celery seeds are easily available & you can take any desired variety for planting in your space.

Different factors to consider while choosing a celery variety


Choose a variety that is well-suited to your climate.

Soil type

Celery prefers well-drained soil, so make sure to choose a variety that is compatible with your soil type.Also, using potting soil mix would be a big plus as it will help in flourishing the yield.

Sun exposure

Celery plants need at least six hours of sunlight per day to grow properly.


Choose a variety that is suitable for the size of your garden. For example, if you have a small garden, choose a dwarf variety.

Buy celery seeds and plant them in the soil

Once you've chosen a celery variety to grow, it's time to buy some seeds and get planting! Celery seeds are tiny, so it's important to plant them correctly.

Different steps to plant the celery correctly

1) Prepare the soil

Before you can plant your celery seeds, you'll need to prepare the soil. Wild celery grows best in sandy or loamy soil that is rich in organic matter. If your soil is not ideal, you can amend it by adding compost or organic matter.

2) Plant the seeds

Place the seeds in a row, and cover them with soil. Make sure to space the seeds evenly, and then gently tap down the soil.

3) Water the seeds

Water the seeds thoroughly, making sure to get the entire row wet. Be careful not to overwater, as celery seeds do not like too much wet soil.

4) Keep the soil moist

Once the seeds have been planted, you'll need to keep the soil moist at all times. If the top of the soil starts to dry out, water it again.

Celery seeds take about three weeks to germinate, so be patient and keep an eye on your seeds. Once the celery plants are a few inches tall, you can begin to thin them out so that only the strongest plants remain.

Water the plants regularly and fertilize when needed

Celery needs plenty of water to grow properly, so make sure to water the plants regularly. You can also fertilize them with a diluted fish emulsion or compost tea once or twice a month.

Tips to take care of celery plant in the best way

  1. Celery is a cool-weather crop, so it's best to plant it in the early spring or late fall.
  2. Make sure to keep the soil moist at all times
  3. Fertilize the plants with a diluted fish emulsion or compost tea once or twice a month.
  4. Don’t Drench the Entire Plant while watering

Control pests and diseases

Proper care for the celery plant is a must thing. If not cared for properly, It can get killed by pests and diseases. Some of the pests and diseases and ways to control them are given as fellows.


Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that feed on plant sap. They can cause serious damage to garden celery plants by sucking the juice out of the plants. Aphids can also spread plant viruses and parasites. There are many different kinds of aphids, and each one causes different kinds of damage.

How to control

There are many ways to control aphids. Aphid predators, such as ladybugs, can be bought at most garden stores. Agricultural pesticides, such as neem oil, can also be used to control aphids. Certain oils, such as tea tree oil, can repel aphids. Some people use baking soda and water to control aphids. Other people use insecticidal soaps.


Thrips are small, slender insects that feed primarily on plants. They are small enough that you can see them with the naked eye, but they can be especially destructive to celery plants. Strips of leaves will turn yellow and drop from the plant, and the celery crop will be reduced in size.

How to control

Monitor plants regularly for thrips activity. This will help you determine when and where to apply pesticides.

Use a pest control product that is specifically designed to kill thrips. These products can be purchased from your local garden center or pet store.


Whiteflies are tiny, white, flying insects that can quickly cause damage to plants. Whiteflies are attracted to the nectar and pollen on celery flowers, and feed off of these vital nutrients. If left unchecked, whiteflies can quickly spread disease and destruction throughout a celery crop.

How to control

There are many ways to control whiteflies. Some people use pesticides, others use traps or devices that release pesticides. Some gardeners still use natural methods such as attractants or biological predators to control whiteflies. It is important to find a method that is safe for the environment and effective for controlling whiteflies.


Common diseases that affect celery plants include Fungal diseases (Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium spp., Phytophthora spp., and Fusarium oxysporum), viral diseases (lettuce mosaic virus, celery mosaic virus, and cucumber mosaic virus), bacterial diseases (Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria), and nematodes.

How to control

If you want to keep your celery plants healthy, it is important to control diseases. There are a few ways to do this. First, keep the plants well-watered and fertilized. Second, monitor the plants for signs of disease and take action quickly if needed. Third, use a fungicide or herbicide to control specific diseases. Finally, avoid over-watering and over-fertilizing; these can also cause problems.

Harvest the celery when it's ready

Celery is ready to harvest when it reaches a height of about 12 inches. Cut the celery stalks at ground level, and then leave the young plants to grow again for another harvest.

When to harvest celery

Celery should be picked when it is ripe, usually after three to five months of planting, and before temperatures rise. Celery is typically ready for harvest after 85 to 120 days following transplant. The time it takes for celery to mature will be determined by when you plant it.

Harvesting celery should be done before the weather becomes hot outside, as celery will get woody if it is not sufficiently watered. Celery harvesting at the proper time is critical to avoid pithiness, yellowing leaves, and seed bolting. To maintain white, delicious, and delicate, stalks, celery stalks requires sunshine but its leaves need shade.

How to harvest celery

It's best to begin picking celery when the lower stalks are at least 6 inches long, from ground level to the first node. When they're ready for harvesting, upper stalks should be 18 to 24 inches tall and 3 inches in diameter.

To harvest the celery, cut the stalk at ground level with a sharp knife. Don't leave more than an inch of stem attached to the root or it will not store well. You can then either use the celery immediately or refrigerate it for later use.

Store the celery for later use

If you're not going to use the celery right away, you can store it in the fridge for a few days. Celery will stay fresh longer if you wrap it in a damp paper towel and place it in a plastic bag. You can also freeze celery by chopping it into small pieces and placing it in a freezer-safe container.

Different methods to store celery

1) Celery can be stored for a week in the fridge if the leaves are removed and the stalks are placed in a container of water.

2) You can also store celery in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. Celery will stay fresh for up to two weeks when stored this way.

3) Celery can also be frozen by chopping it into small pieces and placing it in a freezer-safe container.

4) Celery can be dried by slicing it thin and dehydrating it at 115 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 12 hours.

How to store celery leaves

The leaves of celery can be stored in the fridge for up to four days. You can also freeze the leaves by chopping them into small pieces and placing them in a freezer-safe container.

Celery leaves can also be dried by slicing them thin and dehydrating them at 115 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 12 hours.

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