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Is there anything more satisfying than harvesting your own vegetables from the garden? Not only do self-grown vegetables  it taste great, but also offer a great way to get some work done. If you're lucky enough to have a garden full of carrots, you can also harvest their seeds for next year's planting. If you're worried about how to get carrot seeds, this article is for you. In this post, we will show you how to harvest carrot seeds in a few simple steps. Keep reading for more information.

Steps to harvest carrot seeds

Step 1: Choose a healthy carrot for seed production

When it comes to choosing a healthy carrot to harvest seeds, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure the carrot is fresh. Carrots that have been sitting on the grocery store shelf for too long will be ripe and contain high levels of sugar and starch, which are not ideal for planting.

Second, check the color of the carrot. Yellow carrots are generally healthier than orange or red carrots because they contain less sugar. Choosing the right carrot to harvest seeds is important for a number of reasons. First, not all carrots are grown equal when it comes to nutrient content and health benefits. Second, different varieties of carrots will produce different number of seeds.

Third, some carrots are more likely to produce good quality seeds than others. When carrot seeds mature, they turn from green to tannish brown, and fully mature seeds detach easily from the plant.

Step 2: Cut off the top of the carrot

Cutting off the top of the carrot harvest to seeds includes the following steps

1) Start by cutting off the carrot roots at the top of the carrot  

2) Make a small X with your knife blade on one side of the root.

3) Turn the carrot seed so that the X is facing down and make another X on the other side of the root.

4) Cut through both X's.

5) The top of the carrot seed is now cut off.

Step 3: Dig a small hole in the soil and place the carrot in it

Dig a small hole in the soil, carefully to prevent breaking the carrot's root. Cut off the top one-half of the carrot with a sharp knife and carefully remove the seed. Place the carrot in the hole and cover it back up with soil. Water well and wait for new growth before harvesting again.

Step 4: Cover the carrot with soil and water it

Step four in the carrot seed growing process is covering the carrot with soil and watering it to mature seed. Carrots need a moist environment in order to germinate, so make sure to water them well until they start to grow roots. Once the carrots are large enough, you can transplant them into a garden or pot.

Step 5: Wait for the carrot to grow flowers

If you have followed all of the steps outlined in this guide, your carrot should now be producing flowers. You can now harvest the seed from the flowers by carefully removing them with a pair of sharp scissors. Be sure to dry the flowers completely before storing them for future use.

Step 6: Cut off the flowers and place them in a paper bag

When harvesting your plants' flower buds, be sure to cut them off at the base of the stem. This will prevent the flowers from falling over and becoming matted in the soil. Matted flowers do not produce seeds. After you have removed all of the buds, place them in a paper bag and seal them tightly. Then store the bag in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks to allow the seeds to mature.

Step 7: Shake the bag to release the carrot seeds

The final step in harvesting carrot seeds is to shake the bag to release the seeds from the flower. This is done by gently shaking the bag from side to side. Be sure not to shake the seeds too vigorously, as this could damage them. Once all of the seeds have been released, you can collect them into a container or bag.

Tips to produce viable seeds

To save the viability of carrot seeds, try sowing open-pollinated seeds instead of hybrid seeds. The open-pollinated plants are pollinated by natural resources like insects and wind. Thus, the offspring will have the same characteristics as parent plant. On the other hand, Hybrid plants are pollinated by artificial means. They will not produce offspring as parent plants.In fact, they might not be capable of producing viable seeds.

Threshing and Storing


To produce carrot crops efficiently, it is important to remove the chaff, or debris, from the harvested carrot seeds. It is done via screening or winnowing and it results in a more filtered seed lot that contains fewer dry flower stems.

This process filters the entire batch through the coarse mesh (¼ inch to ⅛ inch) to remove sticks and large debris. The advantage of this method is that it prevents smaller seeds from getting lost, which leads to a higher yield. Screening your harvest can be a time-consuming and frustrating process, but it is worth it.

Storing carrot seeds

Carrot seeds can last for a long time if stored correctly. Store them in a cool, dry location between 40 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit and at 40 percent relative humidity. This will help to ensure that the seeds remain viable for up to four years.

Moreover, In areas of very low or warm temperatures, carrots can be put between layers of wood shavings for optimal cold storage.

Storing in containers

Now that your carrot seeds have been harvested, it’s time to start caring for them. The next step is to store your clean and dry carrot seeds.

Once the seed heads are thoroughly dry and darkened, seal your containers and shake vigorously to release the seed. You can store them in any sort of container, but the best option is a sealed container with a moisture-resistant seal.

Advantage of using container

In order to save carrot seeds, airtight containers offer many advantages. Containers help save seeds from mice as they cannot get inside them.

However, these containers take up more space and are more prone to mold problems if the seed isn't completely dry.

Label a container with plant details

It is important to label your containers with the plant type, cultivar name and harvest year to ensure that you are growing the correct plant in future.

This will help you to avoid guesswork involved in determining which plant is in a container. It will also help you to remember the exact date when the plant was harvested.

Using special envelopes to store

If you want to take gardening to another level, you can do it more professionally by packing your carrot seeds in a special type of envelope. These envelopes are specially used for the preservation of heirloom seeds.

Once your carrot seeds are packed into these envelopes, store them in a cool, dark, dry place. To save seeds, this technique is considered as one of the best.

If you live in a humid climate, you can place some silica packets next to your carrot seed envelopes or inside the jars to keep humidity down. This will help to prevent fungal growth and promote a healthy root system. You can count on these methods to work for about three years, on average.

Pests & diseases for harvested carrot seeds

As an insect-pollinated plants, a carrot variety might cross-pollinate with the flower of another carrot variety in the neighborhood.If something like this ever happens, you can just discard those seedlings.

Seeds harvested from carrots can be susceptible to pests and diseases. Carrots are a cool-season vegetable, meaning that they are harvested in the fall and winter. This means that the seeds are exposed to a higher risk of pests and diseases. Carrot seeds can be damaged by mold, bacteria, and fungi. Some of these pests include

Flea beetles

Flea beetles are small, black, flying insects that lay their eggs on carrot crops. The larvae feed on the roots and leaves of the plants, causing them to wilt and die. This can cause a reduction in crop yield and is especially noticeable in mature crops. Flea beetles are not aggressive and do not damage other plant life, but they can be a nuisance and need to be controlled if their numbers become too high.

Carrot rust fly

Rust can be a major problem for carrots, causing them to turn yellow and eventually fall off the plants. Rust is caused by a fungus, and it can spread quickly if not properly controlled. There are various ways to control rust, but the most effective method is to use a fungicide.


Wireworm is a destructive feeder that can affect harvested carrot seed. Wireworms feed on the plant's vascular tissue, causing the seed to rot. This can lead to a reduction in seed size and quality, as well as a decrease in yields.

How to prevent wireworm damage to harvested carrot seeds

There are several ways to prevent wireworm damage to harvested carrot seed, including using pre-harvest methods such as fumigation or Barrier treatments. If not cared for properly, the seeds can catch diseases. Some common diseases are as follows

1) Alternaria blight

Alternaria blight disease affects the seeds of many types of crops, but it is most destructive to carrot plants. The fungus grows on the surface of the seed and produces a sticky substance that clogs up the plant’s roots.

This prevents the plant from absorbing water and nutrients, and eventually, the seed will die. The blight can also spread to other parts of the plant, leading to wilting, yellowing, and even death.

2) Ascochyta blight

Ascochyta blight disease is a fungal disease that affects harvested carrot seeds. It can cause decreased yields and poor quality, which can impact the profitability of the crop.

To minimize its impact, growers should take steps to control the fungus and prevent infections.

3) Fusarium wilt

Fusarium wilt disease is a fungal infection that affects harvested carrot seeds. Affected plants show wilting and stunting, and the leaves may turn yellow and fall off.

Fungicides are available to control the disease, but they are not always effective. Proper storage and handling can help prevent the spread of the fungus.

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