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As a gardener, you want to not only grow plants quickly but also have a robust yield. In the last five to 10 years, the popularity of hydroponics has skyrocketed. Many swear by the soilless cultivation practice, but old school-gardeners often object to the idea of soilless gardening. In this article, we will explore which is better - hydroponics vs. soil. 

Honestly, there is no right or wrong answer on which is better - hydroponics or soil. You’ll have lovers of both methods. Basically, it boils down to what works best for your particular needs, goals, grow location, preference, and budget.

What is Hydroponics?

Hydroponic gardening is not new. In fact, the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which were one of the wonders of the ancient world, were an early form of hydroponic gardening.


Farming hydroponically uses water and liquid nutrients to meet the plant’s needs instead of soil. Basically, it does not matter if plants are grown in water or soil, as long as they receive the nutrients they need. 

With hydroponics, a plant’s roots are exposed to water and nutrients either via full submersion or partial submersion. In some situations, the moisture mixture is sprayed directly on the plant’s roots at timed intervals. 

Plants grown hydroponically are grown indoors, usually under grow lights. Vertical farms, which are wonderfully space-saving, are extremely popular for hydroponics. 

What is Soil Cultivation? 

Soil cultivation or farming is when you grow plants in soil in a field or pots. The method had been used for centuries. You simply must provide the plants with adequate light, water, nutrients, and oxygen to ensure optimum growth. 

Soil farms can be planted outdoors or indoors. However, the soil does expose the plants to pests, weeds, and disease. Also, the plants expend a great deal of energy growing their roots through the soil in search of water and nutrients.

Due to the energy the plant wastes, it often does not grow as robust or create as great of a yield as a plant that is hydroponically grown. 

With soil gardening, you do not have as much control over the nutrients a plant receives or the water. The lack of precision can definitely take a toll on the plant’s growth. 

Reasons to Hydroponically Grow Plants

The benefits of hydroponically grown plants are impressive compared to those grown in soil.

Saves Space

You can grow vertically when hydroponically farming which saves a considerable amount of space. Also, the roots do not need to spread out as they do in soil, so you require less root space for the plants. 


Hydroponic farming is remarkably timesaving. You don’t have to worry about weeding or pest control. 

Faster Growth

Plants grow 30 to 50% better hydroponically than in soil. You’ll enjoy more harvests each year, so your profits increase, and you have a greater yield for the table. 

Saves Money

You can grow plants year-round, and you don’t have to worry about costly pest and disease control. 


Plants grown hydroponically use far less water than those grown in soil. Water conservation makes hydroponic farming a preferred method in areas that suffer from drought. You can farm in arid locations that simply will not accommodate soil farming. 

If you would like to try out hydroponic farming, please contact Humboldts Secret Supplies to learn about our nutrient solutions that will meet all of your plant’s growth needs. 

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